PDF Download Royals of Rodina #1 The Compeer by Jamie Applegate Hunter

PDF Download Royals of Rodina #1 The Compeer by Jamie Applegate Hunter

PDF Download Royals of Rodina #1 The Compeer by Jamie Applegate Hunter

PDF Download Royals of Rodina #1 The Compeer by Jamie Applegate Hunter, This series will be taken down in late 2023 and undergo heavy re-writes, including making them interconnected standalones and dissolving book 2, turning it into two separate books with new love interests for each of the main characters of book 2. It will be republished under a new series name (The Compeer series), and new book titles (Winter’s Compeer, Autumn’s Compeer, Spring’s Compeer, and Summer’s Compeer). This was my debut series, and it will be improved tremendously.

When the humans destroyed the Earth, the gods were forced to wipe it clean and start anew. They created four immortal kings blessed with elemental powers to keep the peace among the new world and regulate their land’s climate.

Thousands of years later, when corruption among the four kingdoms interrupts the delicate balance, a compeer emerges with an unlikely band of allies to defeat the evil infiltrating their land.

Winnie Hayward lives a double life between working her family’s tavern and training in secret with the kingdom’s most respected general.

Thad is the mysterious Winter King with a broody demeanor, a disdain for royal life, and a romantic chip on his shoulder.

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